My new book is in a final edit stage. The expected publication date in early July 2024. Interest in the book has been growing as endorsements and reviews flow in.
Here is the front cover endorsement:
"Don Iannone's America's Dream at a Crossroads masterfully captures the stark contrasts between the attainable American Dream of the 1950s and 1960s when I grew up in Licking County, Ohio, and the harsh realities today's working families face. With insightful analysis and a compelling call to action, Don outlines the urgent steps America's next President and the Federal Government must take to restore hope and opportunity for all. This book is essential reading for the Biden and Trump policy teams because it points them in the right direction in fixing our government and strengthening the American Dream."
~Jeffrey A. Finkle, CEcD, Executive in Residence, Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service, Ohio University, and former President and CEO, International Economic Development Council, Washington, DC